Resume Creativity

my_creative_resume_by_slitchz-d57jeu6Do you have creative talents and people who have loved your work, but you are not sure how to convey that in your resume? No matter what profession you are looking to join or are already in, if you are in the creative field, you want to convey the success you can bring to an organization or business.

Resume creativity is not always easy, however here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Remember you are in your profession for a reason. Show the side of you that is excited and loves what you do.  
  •  Add a personal logo, if you have one.
  •  If you are a graphic designer think of ways you can use those skills in your resume.
  • An Illustrator might want to consider using one of their drawings in their resume.
  • No matter what your profession, you are working toward an end goal. Keep that goal in mind, show employers that you know how to harness your creativity to help the organization succeed.

You must strike a delicate balance with your resume. A little creativity is good, however too much creativity can cause an unbalance and obscure your message. If you are a creative person and have it, you can include a link to an online portfolio of your work. When writing your resume think about what the hiring manager is looking for, not what you want. 

  • What are their concerns?
  • What are they wanting to find?
  • ​What are they wanting to avoid?

Once you know what the hiring manager wants show them right upfront that you have what they are looking for. Your resume should have a strong profile that shows you have exactly what they want and that you are the best person for their job.


Here are River City Staffing we also help you with face-to-face counseling and resume building.

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