In a world where immediate electronic consumption is a must, people break up their day in micro-seconds that disrupt and wreak havoc on a productive day. Below you will find 10 steps to help you take back your day and be even more productive than before without giving up on your electronic desires:
- Stop Multitasking
Multitasking is people trying to do too many things at once that results in not completing anything. If you start a project, time block a certain period of time that you deem appropriate before starting a new task. Too many open tasks can be overwhelming.
- Determine Each Project’s Level Of Importance
A co-worker’s needs, an interrupting phone call, and text messages are all things that create a break in your work or project. Imagine if you were in your car headed to an appointment or on a flight to your next destination, each prevents a certain level of interaction from distractions. Consider accepting certain disruptions according to their level of importance. If a disruption is more important than the project you are working on, then deal with that new project immediately. However, if the disruption takes a lower level of importance, address it when your time segment for that project is over.
- Manage Co-worker Time Appropriately
Office gossip, hearsay, rumors, etc. are all things that can break your train of thought and interrupt your current project. There are appropriate times for these types of interactions and they are important to the overall health of an office culture as well, but make sure you remember the importance of the project first.
- Maintain Personal Time
While it is easy to delve into work 24/7 with the ability to take your work home now, make a conscious decision to not work during certain hours or on certain days. Setting this boundary is good for your mental health as well as the health of your social life.
- Create a Priority List
Before you leave for the day, look over your list and prioritize what needs to be done the next day. This will help you determine the level of importance during the day and also show your manager or boss what you’re currently working on.
- Respect Your Co-workers
While working on projects, you naturally will need the help of others around you. Remember that their ideas and opinions matter just as much as yours. Treat them with respect and your end results for projects and office morale will be even more successful.
- Maintain Focus
Know what results each of your projects will yield. Work toward the positive feeling you will have at the completion of the project verses how it will affect you financially or in your position. Achieving goals results in bonuses, raises and promotions.
- Create a Small Project List
Create a list of small projects that can be completed in short amounts of time. Complete these projects when a conference call is delayed or someone is late for a meeting. That way you are still being productive even while waiting.
- Break up Big Goals
When you are up against a big goal, try to break it up into smaller tasks or projects that can be completed more easily. This creates a sense of accomplishment, as you work to attain the bigger goal and keeps you from feeling overwhelmed.
- Develop a Tracking System
Always know where you stand with your own personal and work goals. If you are in sales, know your sales goals and results before the company even posts them. This way you have something to strive for and are taking responsibility for your own success!