The staffing industry can be very competitive at times. Setting yourself at a higher standard is always the right choice. To make sure you are always a good candidate for staffing positions there are some simple things that you can do that will set you apart from others. These simple, however very important skills can help you achieve this in any industry. The next time you are in the office do a little self-check to see how you line up with these tips.
Be honest and open with yourself. How are you are doing at your postitions; how is your attitude, and what type of example are you making? If it is not as good as you would like, then ask yourself a question like, “Why am I not woking up to my potential?” or “Is there something I need to change?”. Sometimes it is as simple as making ourselves aware and then taking steps to correct what we find.
Here are a few tips that can always be of help when trying to set yourself apart from the adverage streamline employee:
Be Professional
1. Dress for the job. Being polite and pleasant will make a good impression. It takes just as much time to be impolite as it does to be professional and courteous to others. So take the time to make the right impression and leave them thinking only good thoughts of you.
Communication is Key
2. Use good communication by promptly returning phone calls and responding to emails. These are good practices when it comes to customer service. If answering phones is apart of your position use the “3 rings” policy. Make sure the phones are answered by the third ring and always in a professional manner. Your clients count on you if they need help so it is important to be as efficient and as helpful as possible.
Keeping Your Commitments
3. Your clients rely on you, so you should always do what you say you’re going to do. Cancelling appointments and missing deadlines can be a frustrating inconvenience to someone that is counting on you. Staying with a company for the entire comitment time in your contract will also give them something good to remember you by.
Go Above and Beyond
4. When you go out of your way for an employeer, it shows them that customer satisfaction is a priority for you. Little things like a hand written thank you card or picking up the phone to make a quick appreciative call add a personal touch that can build referrals for you. Customer service is an important aspect of working for any business. Make it the #1 priority at every office and you will keep your employeer and staffing agency happy. Good client satisfaction can build long term partnerships, which means more business for your staffing agency and you!
Be the employee that your clients know they can depend on. And remember, when you have a good attitude with a smile it will leave them with a good impression!