
Have you ever had a micromanager you had to answer to or have you been a micromanager? Here are a few simple steps to help you avoid micromanagement.

1. Ask Your Boss What is Expected From You.
It can be tough to communicate with someone who set on managing every move you make, which describes most micromanagers. However, it can help to ask your manager  to lay out what tasks they want you to perform. Letting them know you are aware of their requirements and you want to stay on task can help.

2. Ask Your Boss to Give You a Sense of the Big Picture.
Supervisors are often working under pressures that we can not anticipate. Managers may be coping with their own client demands or their own micromanaging supervisor, knowing the gravity of their responsibility can help you cope. Ask your boss to share as much as they can about their workload. What can you do to produce the best results for them?

3. Be Proactive.
Once you have been micromanaged, you can anticipate what your boss will do or say.  Learned to give your boss progress reports before they ask for them. It is easier to compose and send frequent email updates on you own timeline than to be continually asked for updates.

4. Demonstrate Empathy.
After a clash with your boss, ask for a meeting and start by saying you understand that a situation might have been difficult. If you see area’s where you are partly to blame you can share the blame with them and that can help you move forward.

5. Consider Moving On.
Communicating, empathizing and being proactive are all great steps to trying to work through a micromanagement situation, but sometimes nothing works. . You can look for a position opening in another department to move within the company if you like it.

With all the different types of managers out there you are bound to come across a micromanager once in your career. Keep your cool and stay level headed, take a break, always try to start a new day fresh without aggravations from the previous day. There will be many reasons you like or do not like a position or boss however, it is up to you how you handle it!

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