I have been a loyal client of River City Staffing for 21 years, and they are always my first call whenever I have a position to fill. They have the rare ability of finding exactly the right person for the job. They understand that a great recruiter is not just looking for someone who has the specific skills and experience to do the job, but one who is also the right personality fit for the position. Because of this ability, River City Staffing is always my first call when I need to fill a position. They don’t waste my time by sending multiple resumes at me, they actually screen all individuals to find just the right person (both skillset and personality), and then only present those few candidates who they truly feel will be perfect for the position. In most instances, I end up hiring the first or second person River City sends to me. And, on the rare occasions that River City does not have just the right candidate, instead of wasting my time by continuing to send resumes to me, the staffing managers will actually let me know they do not have the candidate I’m looking for, giving me the opportunity to then expand my search to other recruiting agencies. That is something I’ve never experienced with another staffing agency. I would highly recommend River City Staffing for anyone seeking quality candidates!