Ace Your Next Job Interview by Avoiding These 9 Common Mistakes
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences, but they are crucial steps toward landing your dream job. River City Staffing understands how important it is to present yourself in the best possible light, and we’re here to help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls. This blog post will walk you through nine frequent interview […]
What questions should I ask in an interview?
When preparing for an interview, you have many focuses, including researching the company, the person interviewing you, etc. Sometimes you are so prepared to answer the questions that you forget to prepare the questions YOU want to ask. That is right; you should be asking questions, too. There are two key reasons to ask questions in […]
The One Guaranteed COVID-Related Question an Employer Will Ask You in an Interview
If you google “questions asked in an interview,” you’ll get thousands of articles and blogs featuring the 10, 25, or 50 most common interview questions and how to answer them. For years, interviewers have remained relatively consistent with questions like: Tell me about yourself? What is your greatest strength/weakness? Why are you the best person […]
How to Feel Calm & Nail Your Job Interview
We all know those pre-interview jitters and while these are considered “normal” they can get in the way of projecting a centered and calm feeling during an interview. Having the ability to put the interviewer at ease throughout the interview process is a great way of securing your spot in their office, but how do […]
Become Irresistible in an Interview and in Your Job with these 5 Habits
Some people just figure that you are either likable or not; it is a natural born trait that you possess or neglect to possess. While this might be true with some people, being likeable is something you can achieve as well. Radiating energy and confidence doesn’t come easy, but you can develop your own self […]
How to Make a Lasting First Impression in an Interview
First impressions are easy to nail in an interview: smile, make eye contact, have well thought out answers. The real art to being remembered is to make a lasting impression beyond just being likable. If you follow suite with the other people interviewing, you are not going to stand out in the long run. So […]